Sunday, August 4, 2013

First Saturday down

I was so worried about how I would handle being home on Saturday alone with my son while my husband was at work.  Plus my mom and I usually go shopping and out to eat for lunch on Saturdays. I was super stressed about that.

I waited until around 10 to eat my morning shake so it would hold me while she and I were out shopping.  We ran to a few stores and then needed to stop and get my son who is 18 months old something for lunch.  She was very great and said she could take him if I wanted to run to anther store so I was tempted but I said no I need to be able to handle these types of things.  I did very well and got myself a diet soda while they are.  It was very hard because I love the grilled wraps from this place but I held strong.

I feel that each day I get a little stronger at being able to pass things up and it not bother me.  I don't know how that will be after I have the band and know I can eat food.  My mind right now is if you eat you don't get surgery and I have to do that.

Hoping Sunday is as good for me.

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